Blank Walls. They bother me. My apartment is covered with them. So a few weeks ago, right after I promised myself a REAL break from dating, I realized that I had tons of time to fill up these vacant walls.
The first order of business was the kitchen wall. As you can see its huge and really naked. At first I thought I would buy one of those decal designs off Esty but soon realized they were costly and a waste of money; knowing that I will eventually move out.
So I decided to make my own decal. My cost: ~ $9 ( Buttons, Butterflies, Felt)
- 'Wood' contact paper from Hardware store (Mine is from Home Depot which I had from a previous project)
- 8"x 5" sheets of Tissue Paper (everyone has this stuff lying around)
- Craft Gems (I used buttons because I couldn't find the colors I liked at Jo-anns)
- Hot Glue Gun
- Felt sheets in different shades of green
- Butterflies (these were half off at Michael's)
Trunk & Branches:
- Using several different cut outs, I created my tree with a cut and paste method.
- First I drew and cut out the basic shape of my trunk then cut out other pieces to fill in for the branches
NOTE: make sure to clean the surface of the wall before applying the paper so it sticks better.
-The majority of my time was spent on making these. I found the idea here.
-The only difference was that I used hot glue to bind the different petals together and trimmed the end so they wouldn't stick out too far from the wall. (Be Careful with the glue poor fingers)
- I just cut out shapes from a pattern I drew on a postcard.
Gluing the Butterflies, Leaves & Flowers:
- I am VERY fortunate that the walls are painted with a shiny paint. I just hot glued the pieces onto the wall. I'm pretty sure you can do it with a matted surface (don't hold me to this), the only difference would be the removal.
- To remove any of these pieces off the wall, it is best to grab a hair dryer and apply heat to the surface, this way you don't take a piece of the wall with you.
Well, I hope you found this interesting. Let me know if you try this out. I would LOVE to see your creations. <3
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